Ensuring a Safe Return to the Workplace: Best Practices for Post-COVID Hygiene

As we welcome our staff back into the workplace and embrace a return to normalcy, it’s more important than ever to ensure our work environments are as safe as possible. With COVID-19 continuing to pose risks, adopting the best hygiene practices is crucial. Here’s how you can maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

1. Regular Surface Disinfection

To limit the spread of viruses, including COVID-19, it’s essential to regularly disinfect all surfaces and objects that are frequently touched. Droplets from coughs, sneezes, or even talking can settle on desks, tables, phones, and other surfaces, potentially leading to contamination. Using effective disinfectants regularly will help minimize the risk of viral transmission.

2. Promote Thorough Hand Hygiene

Hands are a primary pathway for germ transmission. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), regular hand washing with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses. Encourage employees to wash their hands frequently, especially after touching shared surfaces. While cold water can be used, antibacterial soap should be available to ensure that bacteria on hands are killed, not just removed.

3. Strategic Placement of Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers should be placed in prominent and accessible locations throughout the workplace. The WHO recommends alcohol-based hand rubs as an effective means of quickly eliminating a wide array of potentially harmful microorganisms on hands. Ensuring that these are readily available will help maintain a higher standard of hand hygiene among employees and visitors.

4. Visual Reminders of Good Hygiene Practices

Visual cues are powerful tools in reinforcing good habits. Displaying posters that promote proper hygiene practices, such as hand washing, respiratory etiquette, and mask-wearing, can be particularly effective since about 65% of people are visual learners. These reminders can help ensure that employees consistently follow safety guidelines.

5. Encourage Social Distancing and Mask-Wearing

While the most severe phases of the pandemic may be behind us, COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses continue to circulate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends maintaining social distancing where possible and wearing masks, especially in crowded or poorly ventilated areas. These practices can significantly reduce the transmission of respiratory diseases​(Jackson Lewis,OSHA).

6. Stay Informed and Prepare for Future Scenarios

Staying up to date with government and health authority guidance is critical. COVID-19 continues to evolve, and so do the recommendations for managing it. Employers should monitor updates from public health agencies like the CDC and OSHA and adjust their workplace policies accordingly. Having a clear communication plan in place for future scenarios, such as a rise in cases or the emergence of new variants, ensures that employees are prepared and informed​(CDC,OSHA).

7. Products to Support Workplace Hygiene

To help implement these safety measures, Vård Group offers a range of hygiene products, including:

  • Surface Disinfectants: Effective in killing germs on various surfaces.
  • Hand Sanitizers: Alcohol-based solutions for rapid hand disinfection.
  • Antibacterial Hand Soaps: Ensuring thorough cleansing of hands.

By utilizing these products, you can create a safer workplace and contribute to the health and well-being of your employees.

As we navigate the post-pandemic world, maintaining robust hygiene practices in the workplace remains crucial. By following these guidelines and staying informed on the latest public health recommendations, we can ensure a safer environment for everyone.

For more information on our products and how they can help keep your workplace safe, visit Vård Group today.